Miami BubbleLife -
Assisting Clients Following Animal Attacks

Dog bite injuries can lead to severe physical and emotional trauma, particularly when the attacking dog belongs to a friend or family member. In Florida, these incidents can result in serious injuries, long-term complications, and even death. Victims may face multiple surgeries and extensive rehabilitation, often enduring permanent scarring or disfigurement.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a dog bite, it is crucial to consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible. The Fort Lauderdale dog bite attorneys at Ginnis, Krathen, & Zelnick, P.A. are dedicated to advocating for your rights. We understand the pain and confusion that accompany these incidents and are prepared to help you secure compensation from the dog owner, property owner, and insurance companies. Our firm has a proven track record of obtaining significant settlements for our clients, and we are committed to guiding you through this challenging process.

Understanding Dog Bite Incidents

According to statistics, nearly 4.5 million Americans suffer dog bites annually. These attacks can occur anywhere, but they are most common at the dog owner’s residence or in public spaces such as parks. Various factors can trigger a dog to bite, including:

  • Protection of food, toys, or puppies

  • Fear or Surprise

  • Sickness or pain

  • Feeling threatened

  • Playful behavior

In Florida, the law follows a “strict liability” doctrine. This means that dog owners can be held liable for bites, regardless of their prior knowledge of the dog's aggressive tendencies. Victims need only prove that they were bitten while in a public space or lawfully on private property.

Florida’s Dangerous Dog Statute

Florida’s Dangerous Dog Statute is designed to safeguard the public from aggressive dogs. Under this law, owners of dogs deemed dangerous must adhere to specific regulations, such as registering the dog with local authorities and posting warning signs. Dangerous dogs are defined as those that have:

  • Chased or aggressively approached a person without provocation

  • Attacked, bitten, or caused serious injury

  • Injured or killed another animal multiple times

Common Dog Bite Injuries

While many may associate dog bites with minor injuries, the reality can be much more serious. Common dog bite injuries include:

  • Puncture wounds

  • Rabies

  • Nerve damage

  • Broken bones

  • Facial injuries

  • Scarring

These injuries can lead to significant medical expenses and lost wages, especially for families with children who may face bullying due to visible scars.

How Our Attorneys Can Help

Navigating a dog bite case can be emotionally taxing, particularly when the dog involved is familiar. If you need a dog bite lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, our knowledgeable attorneys can help you understand the complex legal landscape and provide compassionate support throughout the process. If you or a family member has suffered a dog bite, contact our team today for a consultation.

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Saturday, 19 October 2024