
Chuck Sawicki and Martha Wolf know a thing or two about love. Combined, they have nearly 100 years of marriage advice. And after their spouses died, they weren’t ready to give up on love. The two seniors are now living out their golden years together at La Posada, a Kisco senior living community in Palm Beach Gardens. If you ask them to describe their relationship, it’s an easy answer: soulmates.

Sawicki lost his wife of 54 years to cancer back in 2016, and the years that followed were filled with loneliness. So, he put himself out there. He dated online, joined a matchmaking service and even allowed Tom Blake, a columnist at Finding Love After 50, to write about him. Sawicki says that attracted hundreds of responses, many from around the world. But it would take a chance encounter for him to meet his match.

Wolf has been widowed twice, after losing her first husband of nearly 40 years, a friend introduced her to her second husband who was also a widower. Their relationship started as just two people helping each other with dating. He even wanted help with his dating profile before it became clear they were a great fit. Married for just two and half years, he passed away unexpectedly in 2015. Through heartache and counseling, Wolf was ready for love again and knew it wouldn’t happen unless she took the risk.

“The stars do align, and things do happen for a reason. Sometimes you have to wait for the proper timing,” said Wolf. “I’ve been lucky to have three great loves in my life, and I’m so happy to have found Chuck.”

Sawicki wrote a book to celebrate his 80th birthday, “On Mentoring, Lessons Learned During An 80 Year Journey.” During a book-signing event, another author who worked in grief counseling grabbed a copy of his book and gave it to one of her clients, Martha Wolf. From there, all it took was a short and sweet email from Wolf. Soon the emails turned into phone calls, and eventually the two met. They both agree it quickly turned into love from there.

“Meeting Martha changed my life. Now, I have a companion and someone to share my life with,” said Sawicki. “She’s taught me so much about love, and it’s something we are constantly working on.”

They now been together for a year and love to travel. Next on their list is to check out is Panama. They also decided to move to The Sunshine State and find their permanent home. Together, they visited numerous senior living communities in Florida, but they kept returning to La Posada. They decided to make it home and spend part of their time in Gettysburg, near the historic battlefield, where Wolf lives in the house she and first husband made their home in 1973.

They really enjoy Florida resort-style living (can you blame them?) and love that the community surrounds them with residents often referred to as “La Posada Living Legends.”

The next chapter of their love story is literally a book. The couple is working on a book about finding senior love. Wolf is currently researching 50-, 60-, and 70-year marriages to find what works for these couples. She also volunteers and coaches others on a program called “Grow in Relationships,” which focuses on 30 characteristics for a good relationship – something both Wolf and Sawicki frequently use in their own relationship. In addition to helping with the book, Sawicki keeps busy as a Rotary member and SCORE mentor, helping small business owners.

Sawicki sometimes jokingly asks people, “Can you guess how long we’ve been married?” One person recently answered 60 years, but the two have no interest in getting married. It simply works the way it is.

“It’s a great honor for all of us at La Posada to witness the love between Chuck and Martha. They are both such an active and engaging part of our community,” said Brad Cadiere, executive director of La Posada. “I hope their story shows others that love is out there, and everyone deserves to find it.”

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