
Seniors celebrating [high school] seniors! Friday, May 1st, residents at La Posada, a Kisco Senior Living Community in Palm Beach Gardens, hosted a socially-distancing patio "graduation" for high school senior associates serving on La Posada's staff! 


Four Palm Beach Gardens Community High School seniors have been selflessly serving residents during COVID-19, while missing many milestone high school moments, like prom and graduation. As residents continue to practice social distancing, the student associates are working on the dining team, ensuring resident's meals are safely delivered to their apartments. 


"We are so proud of our high school senior associates. While this time is uncertain for all of us, these young people are experiencing something none of us can relate to with grace," said Brad Cadiere, Executive Director of La Posada. "They're handling school, rapid change and planning for the future, all while going above and beyond to care for our residents."


About Omari Jackson


High school senior Omari Jackson started working at La Posada just two months ago, right before strict social distancing measures went to into place and his senior year was canceled. For Jackson and his peers, school came to an abrupt stop. "Being unable to say goodbye has been the hardest part by far," said Jackson. "Not only are we missing out on senior activities, but we didn't get those last few months with our friends, or a chance for a proper goodbye before leaving for college." After graduation, Jackson plans to attend Florida A&M in Tallahassee, majoring in biology and taking pre-med classes. Working at La Posada, Jackson actually got the chance to get to know a resident, who spent their career as a physician, and offered him a lot of advice on medical school. Reflecting on his time in high school, he says what stands out will always be the opportunity to take part in a high school pre-med program. 


About Richardson Dominque


For Richardson Dominque, school was always busy! He made close friends through chorus and band. The thought of missing milestone moments like graduation, gradbash, prom and senior picnic has been devastating. "The hardest part is not crossing the stage and not hearing my principal calling my name," said Dominque. "Crossing the stage was one thing I just needed to do when completing high school because it represented a new beginning." He's been working at La Posada the past four months and has found the residents incredibly kind, gentle and respectful. According to Dominque, they've also got their own sense of humor!

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