United Recovery – Guest Contributor
Oct 18 2020
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When is the last time you stopped and asked yourself this? As is the case with most words, we've been hearing them our whole lives and may have never looked up its definition.

Well, rehabilitation is the action, process, or result of the verb "rehabilitate," which Merriam Webster defines as "To restore to a former capacity; reinstate." This definition makes sense when we look at what helps a person addicted to drugs, and what treatment should look like. At the end of the process, they would ideally be in the same condition they were before they began using drugs.

We're talking about restoring the person to the same condition they were before the drugs. And while this may not match up with the apparent goals of many Brentwood drug rehab programs today, this was once the rehabilitation industry's goal.

What Does Rehabilitation Look Like?

If we were to apply this definition to something much more straightforward than a person, such as an object, we could see it without any emotion attached. If a person had an old car or house that they "rehabilitated" or restored, we'd hope that their goal was to get it back into at least as good of condition as the object originally was.

One of the keynotes of rehabilitation is that it restores their ability when it comes to a person. Once they were able to function without drugs. They could hold a job, enjoy life, do a multitude of things, all of which evaporated as their downward spiral into addiction grew. But these abilities are not lost. And Brentwood drug rehab, which has its core purpose the return of the individual's ability, will always be a successful model.

Why Do People Seek Brentwood Rehabilitation?

I've worked with many people over the years who were struggling with addiction or were in the middle of the treatment process. You often hear when exploring goals with patients who may not yet have an idea of what their interests are outside of drugs, that they just want their old life back. Many patients will tell you that they wish they could go back in time and never go down the path of drugs, and many of them have forgotten who they are without the chemical personality that has developed.

A hope that they can rediscover who they are and some enjoyment or passion for life is a primary motivating factor in seeking rehabilitation. Why would anyone want to stop using drugs other than to better the quality of their life? So, the definition of rehabilitation is what a patient is seeking and expecting when they reach out for help. It also means that providing anything less is a disservice, mainly when it is possible to deliver true rehabilitation.

But what do we do when a person doesn't want to attend a Brentwood drug rehab? Not everyone wants their old life back, and some don't even want to be off drugs. This is where difficulties emerge in the field of rehabilitation, and with these come some unusual solutions.