
Olympics opening ceremony moments: Lady Gaga, Zinedine Zidane

Latest Florida Sports Headlines Sun Sentinel 7/26 9:01A Associated Press
By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr., Associated Press PARIS (AP) — The  Paris Olympics  opening ceremony got underway after a rough start to the Summer Games on Friday, with  rainy skies over the Seine  and...

UCF position preview: Safety

Latest Florida Sports Headlines Sun Sentinel 7/26 9:00A Matt Murschel
A position-by-position look at UCF heading into the fall: SAFETY What to expect The position, already a stronghold in the secondary, was further fortified courtesy of the transfer market, showcasing the team s strategic moves and roster changes....

UF position preview: Safety

Latest Florida Sports Headlines Sun Sentinel 7/26 9:00A Edgar Thompson
A look at the Gators leading up to fall camp: SAFETY What to expect The back end of Florida s defense spent much of 2023 on its heels. The Gators season-ending five-game losing streak included a 52-35...

What to watch at the Paris Olympics on Saturday, July 27

Latest Florida Sports Headlines Sun Sentinel 7/26 8:16A Associated Press
Once the  opening ceremony  for the  2024 Paris Olympics  is over, competition begins in earnest all across France. There are plenty of gold medals at stake on Saturday. There s swimming and tennis...

Photos: Celebrities at the Paris Olympics

Latest Florida Sports Headlines Sun Sentinel 7/26 8:01A Associated Press
PARIS (AP) — The  2024 Paris Olympics  opening ceremony is underway after a rough start to the summer games, with suspected acts of sabotage targeting  France’s flagship high-speed rail network  and  rainy skies over the Seine river , where...
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